Mama, wife, artist, creative, dreamer. I live in Dallas, Texas with my sweet little family. We have shared our life and our story online for nine years now, and are grateful for each one of you that have walked through so much with us.
I love sunshine, pink cupcakes and the color peach. I love my grandma’s
old quilts, staying in my pajamas all day, and encouraging other mamas along the way.
Cooking in my kitchen with the sunlight pouring in, the Father of the Bride soundtrack playing while we cook, kids rollerblading around the house in their jammies - I can’t help but be so grateful for this beautiful life. I am truly thankful every day. All the little moments that add up to what is our story.
If you are new around here and just see a lot of pretty pictures - please know that there was much hardship leading here. Financial struggles, a child in the ICU, an autoimmune disease, four NICU babies, a closed art studio, three miscarriages, high risk pregnancies - and even more beyond this list. We have trenched through much hurt to land where you see us today, and always clung to finding the beauty in our everyday as we took steps forward.
I have a passion for families, for creativity and for sharing your gifts. Five years ago when we lost everything and moved in with family…. I sat at the end of my bed in a two bedroom space with the world moving so quickly around me, and I was frozen there. I never would have imagined where we would be today. On September 15, 2014, I got an email from a woman that I admired online, saying that we would have an opportunity to be a public witness, that we were to be a light in this world. A week later, another email. A few days later a text: “Be a light, BIG THINGS, believe big, receive big, dream big and ask big.”
I took this calling on my life, and it lit a fire in me. I ran with passion toward my dreams, and now we have the brand CaseyLeigh, along with a business that is booming. We are an ocean, a movement. Our mission is to raise up a sea of women striving to grow, lead, and pour out freedom. Freedom in our finances, freedom in health, freedom from lies spoken over us, and freedom to move forward, pursuing our dreams in who we are created to be. You have a whisper saying you can’t? Silence that whisper and step right into that spotlight meant just for you. We are the fasting growing team in YL and we are ready for you.